Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jess' Star Spangled Wedding

Jess got married on July 5, 2014 at The Queens County Museum in NYC. It was Independence Day weekend, and it was hot enough to drink all the cold beers!

We PRIMPed Jess, 7 bridesmaids, 6 sisters, and 1 special helper wedding planner friend. 15 people!! Erin did all the hair, Danielle did all the makeup. It was a very busy day, to say the least! 

Throughout the stress and scramble to get everyone ready to go, Jess remained cool and calm. As we were doing her hair and makeup, she was laughing and talking about how excited she was to see her soon to be husband.

As we were zipping Jess into her beautiful gown, the zipper broke. I mention this because it is not that uncommon. Zippers break, buttons fall off, and hair pieces rip. It happens. It feels terrible... but it's all going to be fine! I promise!

I handed Jess a glass of wine, sewed her into her dress, and we marched down to the ceremony like a band of sparkly beautiful goddesses!

Through the years, we have sewn many a bride or bridesmaid into her dress. We have fixed hair pieces, cleaned stains, crawled under dresses to adjust wondering spanx, and sent flustered in-laws on important tasks to help keep them occupied.

Of course we will make you look special and amazing, but we will also do whatever we can to make your day go smooth and keep you stress-free. 

Jess looked amazing all night, we had the most fun, and all was well... broken zipper and all!

Erin and Jess
Jess and Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Jess you looked so beautiful dear. I agree that wedding is special for everyone and so everyone tries to do best arrangements. You know I had attended a wedding last week at event venues Chicago, and everything planned by the organizers was perfect.
